It Takes Two to Save a Marriage: You and Jesus.

Wise Wife Mentorship

What to expect in mentorship calls with Natasha:

A trustworthy confidant — sometimes you just need to talk to someone who doesn’t know your family but who offers biblical insight and encouragement.

A spiritual mentor who will always point your gaze back to Jesus and the commands we have as Christians (and, as wives), no matter what the circumstances look like.

Spiritual truths which may challenge and convict you but will also bring encouragement and the peace that comes from the light yoke of Jesus.

Specific action steps you can take immediately to improve the peace in your home and marriage.

Spiritual warfare training and equipping — make sure you are fighting the “right fight” and not taking the bait of the enemy (who we know comes to steal, kill and destroy you, your marriage, and your legacy).



Weekly group mentorship with Natasha.

Each weekly meeting brings 90 minutes of
biblically-based teachings, Q&A's,
and targeted prayer.

Limited Availability
Women Only


  • The Wise Wife Mentorship Group includes four calls per month and costs $79/month.

  • The mentorship group is currently sold out. A new time slot will be announced for the new fall 2024 group in mid-August. Join the waitlist to be the first to know!

  • Active members of the mentorship program will receive recorded audio files for each call.

  • Yes! Women who opt for the group mentorship plus 1-on-1 calls with me experience faster results and receive spiritual guidance and prophetic encouragement that is tailored to their specific marriage, husband, and past.

    I am currently on a short sabbatical. 1-on-1 mentorship will resume in September 2024. Join the waitlist (above) to receive details of when mentorship spots open up again!